Dennis Sellers

Dennis Sellers
23619 posts
Dennis Sellers is the editor/publisher of Apple World Today. He’s been an “Apple journalist” since 1995 (starting with the first big Apple news site, MacCentral). He loves to read, run, play sports, and watch movies.
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Ways Apple can spur sales of the Apple TV set-top box

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Several <a href="">smart TV makers will support Apple’s AirPlay 2</a> wireless streaming tech this year, and Samsung has become the first TV maker to include iTunes. So it’s possible that Apple could decide to ditch its Apple TV set-top box.</p>

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Apple’s discontinued Aperture won’t run on any Mac OS higher than Mojave

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">In a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">new support document</a>, Apple says Aperture —its discontinued high end photo editing software — won’t run in versions of the Mac operating system after macOS Mojave. The doc explains how to migrate your Aperture libraries to Photos or Adobe Lightroom Classic.</p>

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How about Mac laptops with 5G support?

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">With iPhones with 5G support <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">expected to debut</a> next year with iPad Pros with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">5G support predicted</a> for 2021, why not a MacBook Pro that supports the next gen technology?</p>

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The Cube packs a lot of connectivity options into a small design

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Today Plugable launched <a href=""><span style="text-decoration:underline">The Cube</span></a>, a $79.99, portable (2.5 x 2.3 x 1.4 inches) USB-C mini docking station. I received an advance copy, so have had almost a week to play around with it — and I’m impressed.</p>

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Apple 5G engineer Ruben Caballero leaves the company

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">One modem expert arrives at Apple, another departs. This weekend <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">it was reported</a> that Apple poached Umashankar Thyagarajan, Intel’s lead 5G modem developer, earlier this year just weeks before ditching the chipmaker for Qualcomm, after Apple and Qualcomm <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">settled their long-running legal battle</a>. </p>

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Rumor: 2019 iPhones will include a 18W USB-C power adapter

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Apple’s upcoming 2019 iPhone models will "likely" include a faster 18W USB-C power adapter and a Lightning to USB-C cable in the box, according to Japanese blog <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Mac Otakara</a> (as noted by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>MacRumors</em></a>).</p>

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Siri and Google Assistant are tied as most popular digital voice assistants

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">According to a new <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Microsoft Market Intelligence study</a>, although the Amazon Alexa is widely known and advertised in the U.S. it’s not the most popular digital voice assistant. Apple’s Siri and the Google Assistant tied for first place with 36% of respondents having used each.</p>

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Smart TV, personal computer could meld together in a ‘tabletop’ system

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">For a long time I wanted an iMac with a built-in TV tuner and one capable of direct cable or satellite input. I doubt that's going to happen, but, about four years ago, one pundit predicted that we'll see "smart" TVs merging more with personal computers, perhaps even evolving into a "tabletop" system.</p>

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Apple lured away Intel’s lead 5G modem developer in February

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">According to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Telegraph</a>, Apple poached Intel’s lead 5G modem developer earlier this year just weeks before ditching the chipmaker for Qualcomm, after Apple and Qualcomm <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">settled their long-running legal battle</a>. </p>

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