Apple has scooped up Tueo Health, which makes an objective asthma status measurement solution designed to help parents monitor asthma symptoms in children using a mobile app and commercial breathing sensors, reports CNBC. It’s another move by the tech giant to add more health features to its products.

The Tueo non-contact, under-the-mattress sensor passively measures key physiologic parameters while a person sleeps. An asthma control score is calculated from the physiologic data and delivered through the smartphone application; the score gives direct indication of the patient’s status on their provider-issued asthma action plan.
CNBC says it’s unclear how much Apple paid for Tueo Health. The start-up raised a small seed round of $1.1 million in funding in 2017. Tueo’s CEO and co-founder Bronwyn Harris and chief operating officer Anura Patil changed their employer to Apple on their LinkedIn profiles in late 2018, which is likely around the time the tech giant completed its acquisition of the company.