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Apple World Today News Update: June 20, 2018

Today marks the last day of the Apple World Today News Update podcast. Starting soon, I’ll be doing a podcast that won’t have a regular schedule or time, and might not even talk about Apple. The new podcast is called Tangible Tech, and it’s designed to cover the entire realm of technology, not just Apple products. 

We’re also moving to a new podcast host, Anchor.FM, and with that comes the ability to bring in guests, have listeners add audio responses to what we’ve said on the podcast, and a lot bigger potential audience. Read more about the changes in the show notes below!

Text Version

This is Steve Sande for Apple World Today, and you’re listening to  the AWT News Update podcast for Wednesday, June 20th, 2018…and that’s probably the last time you’ll hear me make that introduction.

I’ve done about 700 episodes of the AWT News Update podcast since February of 2015, and frankly…I’m a bit tired. Not of doing podcasting — I love to do it. But it gets really hard some days to find news about Apple that hasn’t already been covered in some way or another, whether on a website or another podcast. So it’s time for a change. Starting as soon as I can get it going…which will probably be tomorrow…the new name of the podcast is Tangible Tech. Tangible is defined as “clear and definite; real” and “perceptible by touch”, and my idea for this podcast is to talk about a variety of tech topics, providing a clear and definite story to entertain and inform listeners.

I’m also moving the podcast from our existing host who charges us monthly to a new free host: Anchor.FM. The podcast will be distributed not just on Apple Podcasts, but on the Anchor.FM network, Google Podcasts, and a lot more podcast networks. I’m hoping that will increase our listenership dramatically, since our potential audience is going to be larger. Once we’re on Anchor, you can actually leave verbal feedback on stories on the podcast that I can include in future podcasts. I can have up to ten other people join me for each podcast, so you can expect to hear guests from time to time.

If you liked the AWT News Update for the Apple News, don’t worry because we’ll still talk about the world’s largest tech company and its products when it is appropriate. The podcast will no longer come out every weekday afternoon; instead, it will be created and published when I have some fascinating news. It will no longer be 5 minutes long or less; Tangible Tech will run as long as it needs to. 

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast at the new RSS feed, which is . You can also listen to Tangible Tech on Apple World Today, on the Anchor network at and we’ll announce other podcast listening platforms soon. 

It’s been an enjoyable ride with you during the run of the AWT News Update, and I look forward to having you join me on Tangible Tech.

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Steve Sande
the authorSteve Sande
Steve is the founder and former publisher of Apple World Today and has authored a number of books about Apple products. He's an avid photographer, an FAA-licensed drone pilot, and a really bad guitarist. Steve and his wife Barb love to travel everywhere!