Another day, another lawsuit. As noted by AppleInsider, Omni MedSci, a health technology startup, is suing Apple, alleging the tech giant incorporated infringing technology in its Apple Watch heart rate sensor.

Lodged with the lawsuit-friendly Eastern Texas District Court, the Omni suit leverages four patents related to wearable optical technology capable of measuring and monitoring physiological attributes. Specifically, the patents-in-suit, as granted, describe methods of measuring various parameters of a user’s blood using LED-based sensors.
Omni MedSci claims to have met with Apple from 2014 until 2016, but says the Cupertino, California-based company ended discussions for a partnership and then reportedly used Omni MedSci’s patented technology. The company’s founder and CTO Dr. Mohammed N. Islam seeks damages for infringement, court expenses and a preliminary or permanent injunction against products found to infringe on the patents-in-suit.