
Three Technological Advancements That Are Shaping The Greenhouses


Good nutrition, clean potable water, and good air quality are necessities for surviving without health hazards and developing natural immunity to protect physical bodies from diseases.

Unfortunately, the rampant development and mostly mindless use of natural resources have depleted the planet of its ability to protect and shelter us. Forests have been cut without a check and answerability. Food grains that protected us from every form of disease by helping the body fight, have been replaced with genetically modified seeds. 

Overuse of pesticides has killed the natural farming practices where coexistence was the key element of survival. All is not gloomy if we choose to act soon because there is still some respite left in the form of hope that emerged from Pandora’s box. Using a custom built greenhouse, farming practices can be improved to be more sustainable and grow food with ecological steps to feed the growing populations. The technological upliftment in farming has an amazing scope to transform our weaknesses into strengths. Instead of depending on deforestation, we can grow alternative plants like cannabis as a natural source of hemp fiber that is useful in multiple industrial applications where timber was essentially used. Here are some new-age tech advancements that are helping farmers around the globe grow nutritious food with better crop yields:

  • Automated Dosing For Vertical Farming

Vertical farming helps optimum utilization of the landscape by growing food in vertical towers. Sending nutrients to the top level through an automated dosing system that accesses nutrient concentrates from the pool and pumps it up, so that all the plants get equal attention and grow to their best ability. In this method, there is no wastage of fertilizer feed as everything is sent to the plants and not sprayed in the air. The root system absorbs everything. 

  • Robotic Farmers

Tasks like planting, weeding, protecting the fruit in cases, and harvesting are traditionally manual jobs that take hours to complete. But with automation all the repetitive rule-based tasks are automated and the job is done without using manual labor. It is also relatively faster and more efficient in completing the tasks. The machines need very low maintenance making it possible to work for longer hours when the task has to be completed as farming is a time-bound activity. As a bonus the quality of the crop is also top-notch.

  • Futuristic Decisions Based on Data

Smart sensors enable continuous monitoring of the external climate and adjust the internal temperature, humidity, light, and nutrient levels for optimum growth conditions to persist in the climate-controlled units. Based on data analysis, these sensors can predict the conditions and prepare the greenhouse for changes. For instance, a greenhouse using sensors automatically adjusts irrigation based on real-time moisture levels. 


While mankind has caused a lot of destruction for the sake of development, going forward every step we take has to be sustainable. One easy way to remember to incorporate this element in our actions is to remember that we have only one planet and there is no plan b for that. 

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