Categories: Archived Post

Subscribe to our Newsletter – Fixed!

Hi, everyone! If you’ve recently tried to subscribe to our newsletter using the signup form on the sidebar, you probably noticed two things — you were directed to a “404 error” page and you didn’t receive anything. We looked into the problem and it was due to our hosting provider, Squarespace. We need to use some special code that apparently interferes with their form capability.

We’ve created our own form now, and it’s in the sidebar. If you’re visiting Apple World Today from an iPhone, please scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to sign up. Please feel free to subscribe again, and this time you WILL be placed on our email list for occasional updates as well as deals in the Apple World Today Deals Shop. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by our hosting provider’s inflexibility.

Steve Sande

Steve is the founder and former publisher of Apple World Today and has authored a number of books about Apple products. He's an avid photographer, an FAA-licensed drone pilot, and a really bad guitarist. Steve and his wife Barb love to travel everywhere!

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