Apple Vision ProDaily TipsReviews

How to avoid motion sickness with the Apple Vision Pro

One solution is the ReliefBand

The ReliefBand may help alleviate motion sickness when using the Apple Vision Pro.

While Apple Vision Pro was designed to reduce motion sickness, certain experiences may cause a small number of people to experience motion sickness.

I’ve had no problem with this, but then I can ride just about any roller coaster with no ill effects. However, if you do experience motion sickness with the Vision Pro, here’s what Apple recommends in a support document

  • Stop using Apple Vision Pro if you feel unwell or experience symptoms of motion sickness. 
  • Don’t use your device while traveling in an airplane if you’re experiencing motion sickness symptoms.
  • After using Apple Vision Pro, make sure that you feel re-oriented to your environment before engaging in activities that require balance, coordination, or spatial awareness. Don’t drive until you’re fully recovered from motion sickness or motion sickness symptoms.
  •  When you first start to use Apple Vision Pro, use the device for short increments of time, and try starting with less immersive experiences.

If your symptoms are severe or persistent, consult with your medical provider.

Here’s Apple’s tips to minimize motion sickness

Reduce head motion

Reducing head motion, reducing visual motion, and avoiding high motion experiences can help minimize motion sickness. Some apps may require you to turn your head and neck frequently, and can cause motion sickness even in the absence of noticeable visual motion.

Be mindful about your own head motions and seating position. For example, try to minimize the movement of your head and neck. Position apps in space so that they reduce unnecessary head motions and minimize discomfort. Sit in an upright posture while also keeping your head upright, rather than tilted to one side or another.

Reduce visual motion

Visual motion can come from apps in which you appear to be moving, or from the motion of objects or content within the app. To reduce visual motion:

  • Decrease the size of the window, or increase the distance to the window. 
  • Reduce the level of immersion by turning the Digital Crown. This helps provide a sense of stability by allowing you to see more of the space around you.
  • Turn on the Reduce Motion setting on your device: Go to Settings > Accessibility > Motion, then select Reduce Motion.

Or try the Reliefband

You might also try the Reliefband (pictured), an anti-nausea wearable that boasts transdermal neuromodulation technology designed to help against any unwanted cybersickness symptoms (nausea and vomiting) — when using Apple’s new product (and other VR headsets). 

Reliefband offers FDA-cleared, drug-free wearables that reduce nausea and vomiting related to a number of health concerns including VR cybersickness (also motion sickness, morning sickness, hangovers, migraines, chemotherapy, anxiety, and more).

One of the major problems with VR use is the creation of an imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Reliefband is uniquely positioned to improve the situation by stimulating the vagus nerve (via the P6 location on the median nerve), the main parasympathetic highway in the body. This helps combat the negative effects of VR headset use.

Dennis Sellers
the authorDennis Sellers
Dennis Sellers is the editor/publisher of Apple World Today. He’s been an “Apple journalist” since 1995 (starting with the first big Apple news site, MacCentral). He loves to read, run, play sports, and watch movies.