
Common Reasons Why Your Mac Is So Slow

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MacBooks are a dream gadget for many individuals. After all, it is regarded as one of the best laptops out there. However, even the best may fail at some point, especially if it’s not cared for properly. 

There’s no doubt about the capabilities of MacBook, but one of the complaints of MacBook users is the sudden slow down of their device after some time. Well, as a Mac user, we’ve shared the same struggle, and based on our research and own observation, we’ve found out the most common reasons why Macbooks become slow. 

It’s also important to understand that slow device is different from having slow connectivity. Some individuals may think that their Mac is slow even though it’s just their internet acting up. That problem is often fixed by switching to a better internet provider like HughesNet. But for device issues, it’s different. Here are the common reasons why your Mac is so slow and how to fix them:

  1. Low Storage

If you’re experiencing sudden device slow down, the first thing you should check is your storage. In most cases, you’re probably running low on storage. This is a common issue if you’ve purchased a MacBook with only a limited capacity, like the ones with 128GB and 256GB. The most recommended storage size would be the 512GB or the 2TB, but of course, its price point is significantly lower so it can be a bit expensive for some. 

To fix and prevent this, you should invest in an external storage like SDD or HDD or a cloud storage like Google Drive and where you can store your files. Just keep in mind though that when you opt for a cloud storage, you will need to have a fast internet connection like Boost Infinite because you need an active connection to access these files.

  1. Outdated Software

Apple releases regular system updates to fix bugs, enhance security, and even improve system performance. If an update is available on your device but you choose to ignore it, you’re leaving your Mac vulnerable to slowdowns and security risks. So when your device slows down, check if there’s an update available. If so, update your device as soon as possible. This should fix the performance issues in many cases.

When updating your device or downloading the update, a fast and stable internet connection is also important. If your current internet provider is failing you, it’s best to look for a better provider in your location. For example, MetroNet. MetroNet is a reputable internet provider, so you should check the MetroNet coverage to see if it’s available in your location and make the switch. 

  1. Memory Overload

Memory Overload MacBook often comes with 8GB, 16GB, 24GB, and 32GB. For users with 8GB unified memory, memory overload is a common issue. This happens when you use memory-intensive applications like video editing software or gaming apps. With limited RAM, your Mac resorts to swapping data between active programs and your storage drive (SSD). 

And also, when your Mac lacks sufficient RAM, it can take longer to launch applications, open files, and respond to your actions. Everything feels sluggish and unresponsive. To fix this, you must always close apps or tabs that you don’t need or use, upgrade your RAM if it’s possible on your device, and keep an eye out on your activity monitor to see which apps are consuming the most memory. 

  1. Too Many Background Apps Running

Background processes are programs or features that continue to consume resources even when you’re not actively using them. For instance, startup programs that launch automatically at login or cloud storage services that are constantly syncing files can consume the device’s resources instead of focusing on the tasks you’re actively working on. To address this, make sure to check the apps running in the background and close everything you don’t need. 

The Bottom Line

While MacBooks are known for their performance, they can slow down over time. Since you’re aware of the potential reasons behind the sudden slow down of your device, you can take steps to address them before resorting to professional help. However, if you’ve done all the troubleshooting but your device is still so slow, it’s time to visit a Power Mac Center near you. 

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