NewsOpinionsApple senior director Robby Walker says employees ‘angry, disappointed, burnt out, embarassed’ by ‘more personalized Siri’ nightmareDennis SellersMarch 14, 2025
AppsNewsApple launches Surveyor, a companion app for Apple Maps (though it’s not for everyone)Dennis SellersMarch 14, 2025
NewsPatentsApple wants its devices to be able to better differentiate between deliberate and non-deliberate touches
AppsNewsBlackmagic Design conjures up DaVince Resolve 19, DaVinci Resolve Studio 19, Fusion Studio 19
NewsPatentsFuture Vision Pros may work in tandem with an iPhone to automatically adjust for a wearer’s presbyopia
NewsApple making changes to Apple Cash ID certification rules to accommodate upcoming Tap to Cash feature
NewsStudy: 64% of parents with children under 10 actively post their children’s photos on social media