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App Store Optimization Agency: How To Find The Best

By Maria Ksenzhevskaya 

App Store Optimization (ASO) is improving the visibility and attractiveness of a mobile app in an app store to increase its download rate and user engagement. It resembles Search Engine Optimization (SEO) but for apps.

ASO professional services aim to drive more organic (unpaid) downloads by making the app more discoverable and appealing to users searching in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

What Is App Store Optimization Agency?

An App store optimization agency is a service provider that focuses on improving the visibility, discoverability, and conversion rates of mobile apps within app stores. These agencies apply technical expertise, creative skills, and marketing strategies to help apps reach a larger audience and achieve higher download rates.

Functions of ASO Agencies

The work of an ASO agency is multifaceted. For reliable and successful results, agencies perform many tasks:

  • Analyze Competitors:

   – To identify strengths and weaknesses,

   – To refine the ASO strategy and differentiate the app in the market.

  • Research and Introduce Keywords:

   – To find relevant and high-traffic keywords,

   – To integrate these keywords into the app’s metadata: the title, subtitle, description, and tags.

  • Optimize Titles and Descriptions:

   – To craft compelling titles and descriptions that are both keyword-rich and engaging to potential users,

   – To guarantee the content communicates the app’s value and encourages downloads.

  • Create Visuals:

   – To invite the audience by designing attractive app icons, screenshots, and video previews,

   – To determine the most effective designs with A/B testing of different visual elements.

  • Manage Ratings and Reviews:

   – To encourage positive user reviews and high ratings,

   – To maintain a positive app store reputation by promptly addressing negative reviews and feedback.

  • Localize Listings:

   – To reach a global audience that speaks different languages and lives in different regions,

   – To establish cultural relevance and accuracy in translations.

  • Analyze and Report:

   – To track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as download rates, user engagement, and conversion rates,

   – To continually improve the ASO strategy by providing regular reports and actionable insights.

Specialists in ASO Agencies

To perform all the above-mentioned functions, agencies hire many experts:

  • ASO Strategists develop and oversee the overall ASO strategy. They also coordinate efforts across different specialists to confirm cohesive and effective optimization.
  • Keyword Researchers conduct in-depth keyword research to identify the most effective keywords for the app. For that, they use tools and data analysis to understand search trends and user behavior.
  • Content Writers write and optimize app titles, descriptions, and other text elements. When shaping content, they must compose engaging, informative, keyword-rich content.
  • Graphic Designers create visually appealing elements, like icons, screenshots, and video previews. During this process, designers must align visual assets with branding and communicate the app’s features.
  • Data Analysts monitor app performance metrics and analyze data to measure the effectiveness of ASO strategies. After the analysis, they provide reports and recommendations for improvement.
  • Localization Experts translate and adapt app store listings for different languages and regions. This role can be replaced by content writers who can craft accurate and culturally appropriate translations.
  • Customer Review Managers are in charge of user reviews and ratings. These managers develop strategies to encourage positive feedback and address negative reviews.

Purposes of ASO Agencies

The primary purpose of app store optimization agencies is to reach maximal visibility, discoverability, and conversion rates of mobile apps within app stores. By employing curated tactics, ASO agencies try to drive organic downloads, improve user engagement, and sustain growth for their clients’ apps. Here are the key purposes in more detail:

  • Ensure the app appears in relevant search results and top charts,
  • Attract more users without relying heavily on paid advertising,
  • Make sure users not only download the app but also actively use it and stay engaged over time.
  • Raise the percentage of users who download the app after visiting the app store listing,
  • Arrange that the investment in ASO translates into vivid growth and revenue for the app,
  • Help the app stand out in a crowded market,
  • Keep the app optimized in response to updates and changes in app store algorithms and policies.

While it’s possible to achieve ASO goals independently with thorough research, dedication, and the right tools, hiring an ASO agency often provides an obvious advantage. 

Who Needs To Collaborate With App Store Optimization Agency?

Professionals bring expertise, practical insights, and proven strategies that accelerate results and avoid common pitfalls. An agency’s experience can lead to more effective optimizations and better outcomes, making it a worthwhile investment for many entrepreneurs. So who are those who need to partner with an ASO agency?

  • App developers and publishers who have developed or published mobile apps and are seeking to increase their app’s downloads and user engagement;
  • Teams responsible for mobile marketing campaigns, looking to optimize app store presence and performance;
  • Startup founders and entrepreneurs launching new apps and aspiring to compete effectively in the app marketplace;
  • App owners and product managers of existing apps who want to improve their app’s ranking and overall performance;
  • Mobile app consultants specializing in mobile app development, marketing, or optimization, who plan to double value to their clients through ASO services;
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises with limited in-house resources or expertise in app store optimization, who need to outsource ASO tasks to professionals;
  • Game developers wishing to boost downloads, advance user engagement, and yield extra revenue through effective ASO strategies;
  • E-commerce businesses offering mobile apps as part of their omnichannel strategy, whose goal is to drive more sales;
  • Companies expanding into new markets, requiring localized ASO expertise.

Collaborating with an ASO agency can provide these stakeholders with the required knowledge, resources, and support. Professional partnerships can move mountains and bring viable success. The only importance here is to choose such a reliable partner.

How To Choose Reliable ASO Provider?

1. Assess Their Expertise

Look for ASO providers with real achievements. Pay attention to the number of years in the industry, client portfolio, and case studies.

2. Review Client Testimonials

Seek testimonials or references from past or current clients to gauge their satisfaction with the ASO provider’s services. Contact these references to ask about their experience, results achieved, and overall satisfaction.

3. Evaluate ASO Approach

Inquire about the provider’s methodology and approach to optimization. They should employ a well-thought strategy that covers all aspects of ASO: keyword research, app store listing optimization, visual assets, and analytics.

4. Consider Understanding of Your App

Choose a provider that takes time to understand your app, its features, target audience, and competitive advantages. Explore how they will adjust their strategies and recommendations to your app’s goals and target market.

5. Verify Transparency

Opt for an ASO provider that maintains transparent communication throughout the optimization process. Inspect their reporting frequency, the metrics they track, and how they communicate progress and insights to clients.

6. Assess Pricing Structure

Evaluate the pricing structure and decide whether it fits your budget and expected ROI. Scrutinize the value proposition offered by the provider in terms of the included services, potential outcomes, and long-term benefits.

7. Look for Industry Recognition

Check if an ASO provider has received any industry awards, certifications, or recognition for their expertise and achievements in the field. Industry affiliations and partnerships with reputable organizations can also indicate the provider’s commitment to professionalism and quality standards.

8. Seek Collaborative Partner

Choose a provider that prioritizes collaboration and is willing to adapt its strategies based on your feedback, changing market conditions, or app updates. Make sure they offer flexible engagement models that cater to your needs and objectives.


Selecting the right app store optimization agency can significantly influence the success of your mobile app. By focusing on experience, expertise, client testimonials, strategic approach, understanding of your app, transparency, pricing, industry recognition, and collaboration, you can identify a partner that can help you reach your goals and bring tangible results. With a reliable ASO agency, clients not only enhance their app’s visibility and downloads but also stimulate growth in a competitive market. Investing in the right ASO partner ultimately provides the expertise and resources needed to uplift your app’s performance and achieve long-term success.

Maria Ksenzhevskaya is a copywriter at the Digital Marketing Agency Ocean Power. With 3-years of experience and a constant influx to grow, she shapes content that draws attention. Maria’s major writing domains are technologies, marketing, crypto, and gambling. LinkedIn Profile

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