It’s time to save some of your hard-earned money with our Daily Deals, featuring highlighted deals for AWT readers, hardware discounts and our own handpicked iOS and OS X sales. All prices are USD and subject to change. Please check prices before you purchase as some deals may expire quickly.
AWT Featured App
- OmniGraffle [Standard version starts at $49 for iOS, $99 for Mac] OmniGraffle is for creating precise, beautiful graphics. Like website wireframes, an electrical system design, a family tree, or mapping out software classes. For artists, designers, casual data-mappers, and everyone in-between.
Hardware and Accessory Deals
RCA WP2UWR USB Wall Plate [Amazon; On sale for $10.99, down from $19.99]Turn any standard home AC power outlet into a USB charging outlet in seconds, with the RCA Original Wall Plate Charger.
HP – ENVY 5530 Wireless e-All-In-One Printer – Black/Silver [Best Buy; On sale for $64.99, down from $129.99] You can easily print, copy and scan documents at the office or in the comfort of your home with this e-all-in-one printer.
WD My Passport Ultra 1TB Portable External USB 3.0 Hard Drive – Red [Amazon; On sale for $54.99, down from $999.99] My Passport Ultra – Ultra-compact, local and cloud backup to go.
Apple Lightning Connector Cable + Earpods w/ Remote & Mic [A4C; On sale for $12.95, down from $44.99] The Apple iPhone 5 Lightning to USB Cable is the perfect spare! In addition to the USB cable, this kit also includes the Apple Earpods featuring a redesigned remote, kickin’ bass tones, and a brand new, ultra-comfortable fit.
SAMSUNG 32GB microSDHC Flash Card With USB 2.0 Reader [Newegg; On sale for $16.99 with coupon code EMCATNP55, down from $21.99] Save your precious memories—fast. This Ultra High Speed memory card is UHS-1 enabled, which means it captures photos and video two times faster than your typical microSD.
Kingston DataTraveler SE9 G2 32GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive [Newegg; On sale for $119.99 with coupon code EMCATNR26, down from $229.99] Instantly add 5 TB of storage space to your computer
iOS Game Discounts
7 Little Words for Kids [$2.99 → $0.99] Discover 7 colorful worlds as you solve the mini word puzzles. But don’t worry if you get stuck. You can always get a hint if you need it. It’s made just for kids, but many parents will love it too.
Moxie 2 [$2.99 → $0.99] Moxie 2 is the FUN word transformation game…EASY to learn, but CHALLENGING to master.
Death Call 2 [$0.99 → Free] There’s a new threat rising in the West; not made of flesh and blood, but steel. It must be stopped at any cost. Will you rise to the challenge?
Virtual City HD (Full) [$4.99 → Free]] If world domination is your thing, Virtual City is a great city simulator to get you started.
Virtual City (Full) [$2.99 → Free[] If world domination is your thing, Virtual City is a great city simulator to get you started.
Truss Me! [$1.99 → Free] Designed by a true rocket scientist, Truss Me helps you learn to design structures while having fun! At each challenge, design structures that are light and strong and you will earn precious golden nuts.
Percepto [$2.99 → $0.99] Bruce has fallen asleep and finds himself in a strange room that can be flattened to two dimensions. Help him find his way to the door by rotating the room and compressing to a new point of view.
Real Fishing 3D [$1.99 → $0.99] A real fishing game has finally arrived on app store!
Surgeon Simulator [$4.99 → $1.99] As the would-be surgeon Nigel Burke, perform all kinds of crazy surgeries to try to save his life — or fail hilariously in the process while poor Bob… Well, dies.
Tikal [$2.99 → $0.99] Explore the untamed jungles of Guatemala at Tikal, the infamous Mayan city.
iOS Software Discounts
LiquiPad HD [$1.99 → $0.99] LiquiPad HD is the ultimate visual toy. It turns the surface of your iPad into several different virtual liquids that respond to and interact with your touches.
MoneyWiz 2 – Personal Finance [$4.99 → $0.99] Simplify your financial life with MoneyWiz. Have all your accounts, budgets and bills in one place!
Book Crawler [$1.99 → Free] Forgot which books you have read? Tired of buying books you already own? Not sure what to checkout at the library? Want to tell others about what you are reading and share thoughts? Welcome to Book Crawler- the HIGHEST RATED book database in the App Store based on hundreds of professional and user reviews!
Toca Life: Town [$2.99 → Free] You rule this Town, a play world where anything and everyone is welcome! With different locations and many classic Toca Boca characters, the everyday adventures in Town are infinite.
Instaflash [$1.99 → Free] Instaflash is your go to photo app with all the tools you need to perfect your photos instantly.
Cloud Outliner: Outlining tool with Evernote integration [$4.99 → Free] Cloud Outliner lets you create and share outlines between your Mac, iOS devices, and your Evernote account.
OS X Software Discounts
TubeMixing for Youtube [$2.99 → Free] TubeMixing is a YouTube Music Video Player with unique features.
Tonality [$17.99 → $12.99] Tonality combines the beauty of classic black & white photography with powerful digital tools that make your photo editing a breeze.
BioShock Infinite [$29.99 →$9.99] BioShock Infinite puts players in the shoes of U.S. Cavalry veteran turned hired gun Booker DeWitt.
Virtual City [$4.99 → Free] If world domination is your thing, Virtual City is a great city simulator to get you started. Build your own city and manage it.