Thursday, October 17, 2024
Archived Post

Caturday: Kitty, Terry and the YouTube video no cat can resist

Aha! You probably thought you’d never see a Caturday post again. Well, the cats out there in the Apple world thought otherwise, and in the case, two of them convinced their Dutch human living in Germany — Klaas Koopmans — to take many pictures of them so that they could star on Caturday. They prevailed! Here’s what Klaas has to say about this:

These are Terry and Kitty. They live in Germany and they are brother and sister. They are about nine years old. Living in a house with two iPads, several Macs, two iPads, two iPhones and a lot of other “white stuff from Cupertino”, one would expect Terry and Kitty love Apple as much as my wife and I do. But no, they show no interest at all. Well, wait. When they were youngsters, they liked chewing on earpod cables. But as they grew up, their interest shifted to fish and birds, and food in general. Sadly, they didn’t want me to take so many pictures of them, either.

We had to do a trick to get a picture of our cats. A picture where they pretend to have great interest in Apple products, as we’d like them to be in our favorite item on Apple World Today: Caturday, which we read during breakfast.

The trick is done by browsing to a YouTube Video for Cats (see below). No cat can resist this 14.27 min video. My cats didn’t even notice that I took pictures.

So if any of your readers have difficulties with their cats modelling for Caturday, please let them use the link. Hopefully you will receive a lot of pictures of beautiful, sweet cats with Apple products. I finally deleted hundreds of pictures of iPads, Iphones etc with an unsharp ear, tail or leg from either Kitty or Terry.

Thanks to Klaas and the wonders of YouTube, we were able to embed this important video for your cats viewing pleasure. Pull it up on your favorite Apple device, go to full-screen, and grab a camera! Here’s another photo of Terry:

Apple World Today needs good cats! Have a picture of your cat soaking up the good vibes of an Apple product? Tell us the back story behind your kitty’s photo on the Apple World Today contact page – we don’t accept inbound attachments, so please host the photo on Dropbox, Flickr, iPhoto, etc… and then include the link in your message. Please note that the picture must have some tie to an Apple product.

Thanks and a pile of cat toys to Terry, Kitty and Klaas!

Steve Sande
the authorSteve Sande
Steve is the founder and former publisher of Apple World Today and has authored a number of books about Apple products. He's an avid photographer, an FAA-licensed drone pilot, and a really bad guitarist. Steve and his wife Barb love to travel everywhere!