Thursday, October 17, 2024
Daily Tips

MacBook Secret Tips: 5 Utilities to Supercharge Your MacOS Experience

Image courtesy of Pixabay

By Michael Balter

The popularity of Apple Mac laptops grows every year. Today, these are modern, compact, fast, and convenient devices. A lot of people around the world decide to become an owner of such a device. From the very beginning of your user experience, you may notice that, in general, the built-in programs for macOS are already enough to start simple work. There is a browser, media player, simple text editors, and other software, which may be enough to get you started.

However, there are many nuances that first-time Mac users may encounter. It can be especially difficult for users who have used Microsoft. But fortunately, there are several utilities that can be useful not only for beginners but also for those who have been using Mac for a long time. Next, you will find secret tips about some useful tools that will supercharge your macOS experience.

Top MacBook Secret Tips: 5 Tools to Boost Your MacOS Experience

This photo courtesy of Pixabay

Yes, Apple products are able to satisfy all the needs of modern users. Hence, getting started with them can be a little complicated. So, what do you need to know in order to use your Mac effectively and conveniently? You can always get help from online Apple Mac experts with any issues at any time, and now we will talk about some secret utilities that will reboot your experience. 

Below you will find some cool tools that can improve your user experience and help you adapt to the new operating system if you have used Windows before.

Use Magnet to Manage Your Desktop

Just switched from Windows to Mac? The first thing that might surprise you is desktop space management. Windows 10 users are used to the fact that desktop space management is a built-in feature of the operating system. That is, all windows can be conveniently arranged so as not to lose anything. 

But novice Mac users may find that managing windows can be a real nightmare. However, you can effectively cope with this challenge using a tool such as a Magnet. With this app, you can arrange all the windows in the desired order. As the name implies, the tool already offers the right and convenient location and will position the windows like a magnet. The program is paid but very affordable and will help you adapt to a new device at first. However, many users continue to use this software for years, as it allows you to get the same convenient window management functionality as in the OS from Microsoft.

Use CheatSheet to Cope with the New Hotkeys Combination 

One of the common problems for beginners on the MacBook is not only the unusual interface but also the difference in hotkeys. There are completely different keyboard combinations for managing the operating system.

Mac users are forced to use combinations like CMD + C instead of CTRL + C on macOS, and to change the language, there is a need to press completely different buttons instead of the usual ALT (SHIFT) + CTRL. This can be a problem for those who are used to the constant use of hotkeys and are a novice with iOS.

To quickly learn all possible key combinations, there is a very simple but extremely useful utility such as CheatSheet. This tool starts with the operating system and, at any time, gives a list of all hotkeys for the active app. You just need to hold down the Command key for a few seconds. Therefore, this is an undoubted assistant that will help you quickly master all the hotkeys.

Use the LastPass Tool to Manage All the Passwords

Password management is another crucial point for all users. A solution like LastPass can be a real lifesaver by storing your passwords for multiple websites securely across multiple devices. It also automatically enters your payment and shipping details when you shop online.

Also, this tool allows you to create a strong password, and multi-factor authentication adds a second layer of protection. All of your personal data will be stored in an encrypted vault using 256-bit AES encryption. The level of security is approximately the same as in a bank.

You can upgrade to Premium for more features, such as unlimited devices, 1GB of encrypted file storage, and unlimited password sharing. But the free functionality will also be enough for you to improve your security and manage your passwords effectively.

Use Bartender to Get More Options to Manage Your Menu 

If you want to get even more options with the organization of your device menu, then you might like this software. With this tool, you can get rid of all unnecessary programs, sort icons, and so on. You can also quickly find the programs you need using the search bar and quickly switch between apps.

Another interesting feature of this tool is that you can hide some icons. For example, for the purpose of security or privacy. Try out the opportunities of this app and make the process of managing passwords easy and safe. 

Use Amphetamine Tool to Organize Interrupted Work

Another feature that many users face is that at the most inopportune moment, your device goes into sleep mode. This can happen while downloading important software or watching your favorite video content. Software like Amphetamine is the best panacea to keep your Mac running non-stop, even after you have closed your device.

The tool allows you to set the appropriate schedule and set the period during which your device should be in an active state. The software is very easy to use, so if you want to comfortably watch movies, download large files, or just don’t get disconnected while connecting to external monitors, try it out.

Wrapping Up

So, it’s time to try all these tools that will help you to reboot your user experience. Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy your device to the fullest. All these apps will help you to simplify many things that might annoy you and make your time with a MacBook enjoyable and efficient.

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