Thursday, October 17, 2024

Retina and True Tone — and problems with iPhone screens

Retina screens appeared on Apple smartphones in 2010 (iPhone 4), and 2 years later, in 2012, MacBooks began to be equipped with similar displays. 

Also, all modern iPads, Apple Watches, iMacs and other equipment use just such screens. With the iPhone 8, another technology called True Tone appeared, which subsequently migrated to the Mac (since 2018) and Apple Pro Display XDR monitors. Let’s see how these technologies differ.

In this article we will tell you about the difference between the terms Retina and True Tone, and also tell you about one of the most common problems with the iPhone screen. We also recommend that you periodically watch YouTube video reviews and life hacks. Now there are many techno bloggers who have a huge audience, and they don’t even have to buy YouTube views for this. You can learn a lot of interesting things on such channels.

Retina display, what is it?

Apple used the term as a marketing ploy, drawing an analogy with the retina of the human eye. In simple terms, Retina is a screen with such a number and density of pixels that the eye does not distinguish between individual dots. That is, the image looks as clear and monolithic as possible. Two parameters are used to measure efficiency. PPI is the number of pixels per inch. And PPD is pixels per degree. The last parameter means how densely the pixels are displayed when looking at the display at an angle.

You can find more information about this display on YouTube. They often publish video reviews explaining how various technologies work in Apple devices. This is important to know before buying a device because this way you will know what is inside it and how to repair it in case of problems. Therefore, we recommend that you become a viewer of techno channels and increase their statistics before they buy views on YouTube.

What is True Tone Technology?

Unlike the term Retina, which refers to the dot density (resolution) of the screen, True Tone is the automatic adjustment of the white balance on the display. Depending on the lighting conditions, the colors and contrast of the screen may be distorted. For example, the image will not be contrasting, with a touch of yellow or blue.

It is in order to avoid such problems that Apple has introduced an automatic balance adjustment function into its devices. Thus, regardless of the level of illumination, the white color on the screen will always be perceived as white, thereby increasing the contrast and correct color reproduction.

As you can see, Retina and True Tone are inherently different concepts. The first term refers to the high definition of the display, and the second term refers to color reproduction and contrast (white balance setting). In other words, you might have a Retina device that doesn’t support True Tone. Recall that this technology appeared not so long ago, so it is present on relatively new devices.

What is iPhone screen burnout — and how do you deal with it?

Starting with the iPhone X model, the manufacturer installs OLED displays on them, which have a number of advantages. They are more contrasty, have improved color reproduction, as well as low power consumption. Nevertheless, it is this type of matrix that is subject to an unpleasant phenomenon, which is commonly called burnout. Although this term is not entirely accurate, the problem can be described as screen fading. How this manifests itself and what to do in case of a malfunction — read in this article.

Stuck image on iPhone display

It must be understood that OLED screens do not like static images. For normal operation of the matrix, the picture on the screen must be dynamic, that is, constantly updated. If, for example, an open application or a photo constantly hangs on the screen, then there is every chance that it will burn out over time.

Symptoms of a problem:

  • a translucent application window is constantly displayed on the screen;
  • in different parts of the display, there are phantom stripes, frames, icons, artifacts in the background;
  • the problem does not disappear after closing the application or restarting the iPhone.

Causes of burnout

There is no single and generally accepted opinion on this matter. But as a rule, this happens due to the wear of pixels, most often blue. This is due to the fact that more energy is needed to feed them than green and red ones. In simple terms, when the same image is constantly open on the screen, a number of pixels may lose their brightness over time.

Even after closing the application window, its phantom trace remains on the screen. In a semi-transparent form, it seems to hang over the rest of the interface. At the same time, the problem is permanent, neither rebooting the smartphone nor updating the system helps.


Unfortunately, if the malfunction has already manifested itself and does not disappear, then it will not be possible to solve it with the help of repair or flashing. There is a kind of fuse in the iOS system itself. From time to time there is a shift of pixels in a static image. But this does not completely solve the problem, as well as the use of third-party applications.

The problem is solved by replacing the iPhone display. The main thing is to contact the service where you will install a new screen on your smartphone with a guarantee, after which the problem will go away forever.


In order for the matrix of your phone to live longer, you should follow a number of recommended actions:

  • enable True Tone in system settings;
  • use the Auto Screen Lock and Auto Brightness feature;
  • reduce the brightness of the display, it should not be at the maximum level;
  • do not leave static images on the screen for a long time. Always close photos, applications, navigator, etc.

We hope these simple tips will help to avoid the problem.

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