Have a great idea for a mobile app but you don’t know how to code? The Complete Mobile & App Development Bundle from Oak Academy offers 71 hours of online training in 9 courses. It’s on sale today for $44.99, a small investment to make in your future.
In The Complete Mobile & App Development Bundle, you get:

iOS 14 & Swift 5: The Complete iOS App Development Course
Swift 5 is a programming language to create mobile applications for iOS. Apple released a new feature for developers at WWDC, and with this course, you are gonna learn everything you need to make awesome iOS 14 apps. This course is for beginners. To be able to take this course, all you need is a Mac Computer. In this course, you’re going to focus on essentials. You’ll learn everything about IOS and Swift from scratch. You’ll see critical topics for IOS development like routing, storyboard designs, running simulator on Mac. Besides that, you will learn Swift-5 basics. You are going to create different IOS apps. You are going to have chances to be able to practice with these apps.
The Complete Mobile & App Development Bundle: Android

Android Development Course: Learn Android 11 from Scratch
Android is the most used operating system on the planet. In fact, it’s almost omnipresent in the mobile ecosystem, and Android Oreo has become the most popular Android version. This course will take you from beginner to advance level. You will learn Android development step-by-step with hands-on demonstrations. In this course, we will learn to build and publish 2 major apps. During the lectures, we will also be practicing with more than 10 examples. This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners right through to professionals as a refresher.

Android Development: Android App Development Course with Pie
If you’re interested in developing new and innovative applications for the world’s #1 mobile platform, this course is a perfect match for you. This course will take help you to find a job as an Android Developer. Because in this course you will learn the advanced topics with hands-on practices. Android Development is a challenging form of programming. However, the personal and financial rewards can be great. Keep in mind that a programmer’s career involves a lifetime of learning and that learning Android application development is just part of that lifelong journey.

Android Development 2021 Practice Guide: Real World Apps
Online course platforms have Android App Development courses, but we still think that most of them miss the hands-on application part. This course is designed to fill this gap. You will be able to improve yourself very quickly by closing the application gap of what you have learned with real-life examples in this course. Thanks to this training, you will reinforce your android knowledge by applying, and you will take your place in the android world. There are ten Android applications in this training, and the difficulty level is from easy to difficult. Thanks to this training, you will learn how to develop modern Android applications in the simplest way and improve your self-confidence.
The Complete Mobile & App Development Bundle: Java

Java Programming: Learn Core Java & Improve Java Skills
In this Java Programming course, you’ll be doing 7 awesome projects. This Java course takes you from absolute beginner core concepts, like showing you the free tools you need to download and install to writing your very first Java program. You will learn the core java skills step by step with hands-on examples. If you are from the field and need a refresher, this course will be a guide for you, too. Every time you come back to this course, you will learn something new or improve yourself.
React-Native & Router

React Native & Router: Build Mobile Apps with React and Expo
React-Native is a library developed by the React team, and it is widely used to create mobile applications for both Android and IOS. It combines the native developers to create mobile apps with React, which is one of the best JavaScript libraries to create a user interface. In this course, you’re gonna learn what dependencies you need to install and how in detail, to be able to create mobile apps on both Mac and Windows. You will use free tools and platforms, so you don’t have to buy any tool or app. You will learn how to run an Android and IOS simulator on your Mac or Windows computer. Besides with Expo app, you will be able to run your apps on your own mobile device.

React Native: Learn React Native with Hands-On Practices
React-Native is a library developed by the React team, and it is widely used to create mobile applications for both Android and IOS. React and JavaScript is all you need to create awesome mobile apps that work on Android and iOS. This course is for beginners…and it will take you from beginner to advance level. You will learn to React development step-by-step with hands-on demonstrations.
Git & Github

Complete Git & Github Beginner to Expert
This course is designed to be a comprehensive approach to Git and Github; no prior knowledge or experience is required. At the end of this course, you will have hands-on experience with Git and Github. You’ll walk through all the commands needed to start a new project managed by Git and Github, all the way through making commits, including common file operations like moving and deleting files. We also cover how to exclude the wrong files from accidentally being committed and how to review your repository’s history, merging branches, and collaborating on a project.
Flutter & Dart

Mobile App Development with Flutter & Dart
Do you “wish there was an app for that” but don’t have the skills to bring it to life? Do you run a business and know the many benefits that an app will bring to your brand, but you don’t have at least $25,000 to pay an app developer? Are you overflowing with app ideas but lack the technical or coding knowledge to design them? There are many powerful reasons to get in on the act and develop your app using Dart and Flutter now. In this jargon-friendly course, you’ll be learning how to write simple scripts for your own apps.