Saturday, February 8, 2025

iPhone 13 is Apple’s least depreciating Smartphone yet

The iPhone 13’s level of depreciation is half that of the iPhone 12, according to new data from Sellcell, a site for selling phones online.

After month 1 and 2, the iPhone 13 has lost up to 50% less value than the iPhone 12. SellCell says th iPhone 13 sees the lowest depreciation two months post launch than any other iPhone generations, depreciating by only 25.5%.
The site says that iPhones, over a 12-month period, hold their value more than any other brand, but this is exceptionally low depreciation — even for an iPhone. 

Here are the highlights of the SellCell report:

  • The iPhone 13-series has only seen depreciation of 25.5% of MSRP across the entire range in months one and two; an unprecedentedly low depreciation figure and the lowest yet for any iPhone launch.
  • iPhone 13 depreciation is 19.1% less than the iPhone 11-series depreciation in months one and two.
  • iPhone 13 depreciation is 15.5% lower than that of the iPhone 12 in the same period post launch.
  • On average, the iPhone 13 entire range has depreciated by only 0.6% between months one and two, with a depreciation of 24.9% by the end of month one, and depreciation of only 25.5% by the end of month two.
  • The iPhone 13-series hasn’t just retained a lot of its value; between months one and two, some models have seen value recovery after an initial drop post-launch.
  • The premium models have held or regained value, with the iPhone 13 Pro Max 1 TB regaining 1.4%, the 512 GB variant recovering 1.7% of its launch price, and the 128 GB version seeing an impressive 1.8% regain. The 256 GB model remained unchanged, losing 18.3% of its value in month one and holding value in month 2.
  • The Pro models have performed well, with the 128 GB model regaining 2% of its initial value in month two. The 256 GB iPhone 13 Pro saw the best value recovery, reclaiming a huge 4.6% of its initial value.
  • The “budget” iPhone 13—the Mini range—lost average value across the three handsets. Only the 512 GB model regained, claiming back 4% of its value. The 256 GB and 128 GB models lost 7.5% and 5% respectively.


SellCell has analyzed buyback prices from over 45 sources, delivering an accurate picture of how the iPhone 13 has depreciated in the past two months. It then compared this to the iPhone 11 and 12 post their respective launches, to see if any patterns emerge.

Dennis Sellers
the authorDennis Sellers
Dennis Sellers is the editor/publisher of Apple World Today. He’s been an “Apple journalist” since 1995 (starting with the first big Apple news site, MacCentral). He loves to read, run, play sports, and watch movies.