Thursday, October 17, 2024
Daily Tips

Signs Your iPhone’s Battery May Have a Problem

Have you gotten used to the below-average performance of your iPhone and simply accepted it as part of your everyday life? Has restarting your iPhone become something that you do every day?

Maybe you have forgotten what it feels like to have apps that load quickly or battery life that lasts you all day without feeling like it’s dropped 50% within ten minutes of taking it out of the charger. Maybe your problems are even worse, like you are worried about leaving your phone on charge overnight because it heats up so much. If this sounds familiar, here are some signs that your iPhone battery might be having problems and will need replacing. 

Battery Swelling

If your battery no longer fits within the case, this is a clear indication that a replacement is required. Even if it’s not swelling extremely badly, you should take immediate action to dispose of the battery safely. A hazy, white screen, the screen moving a little when you pinch the edges of your phone, and a separation between the screen and the body of the phone are all signs that your battery has swollen. If left unchecked, this can lead to serious injuries caused by the toxic contents of the pack if it becomes punctured, according to lawyers Romanucci & Blandin

Heating Up

As it recharges, your iPhone battery will generate some heat. However, the lithium-ion batteries inside of the iPhone are made to internalize this temperature and shield the other components of the phone from it. So, if you have noticed that your phone is overheating especially when charging, it might be time to consider a new battery. 

Only Working When Plugged In

One sure sign that your iPhone battery has run its course and will need to be replaced is that it only works when you have it plugged into the charger. If the battery is completely dead, the phone will not boot up even when connected to power. On the other hand, if the phone still turns on when you have connected it to a power source and functions correctly as long as you’ve got it plugged in, it’s likely that either the battery or the battery connector have failed. 

Sluggish Performance

If you have an iPhone 8 or later and are running iOS 11.3 or later, throttling could be the reason behind why your phone is sluggish most of the time. You can check this by going to the Settings app and selecting the Battery option from the list, before heading to the Battery Healthy option. Check under Peak Performance Capability to learn more about whether your phone is affected by throttling. If it is, it will inform you that the phone has unexpectedly shut down due to the battery being unable to deliver the necessary peak power, and a battery replacement will be recommended to restore full capacity and performance. 

Over time, all electronics batteries will start to degrade. Most of the time, it’s nothing serious and can easily be fixed with a replacement. However, issues like battery swelling and overheating can be dangerous and may lead to injury. 

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