Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Spring Cleaning for Your Mac: Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro Hands On + Review

Spring Cleaning Your Mac with Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro

Last week, I told you why spring cleaning your Mac is a good idea. Today you’ll get to see why Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro is the best solution for getting that spring cleaning done. Follow along as I take you on a guided tour of Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro!

Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro: The Details

First, let’s talk about what the app accomplishes and how to get it. Just follow this link to download a free trial of Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro to see it for yourself. The app is a bargain, currently on sale for just $14.99 (regularly $19.99). That’s for a one year, one device subscription. For five devices, Cleaner One Pro is $29.99 (regularly $59.99) for the same one-year subscription.

What Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro Does For Your Mac

Why would you want to purchase a subscription to Cleaner One Pro? Easy — it’s the best way to monitor, clean and manage your Mac. Most of the time, Cleaner One Pro resides quietly in your Mac menubar displaying the current memory usage.

Click on the Cleaner One Pro menubar icon to see current status

With a click, you see CPU Usage, Network Usage, space filled by junk files on your Mac, and how much RAM is in use. From this small dialog it’s possible to immediately optimize RAM usage with a click on the Optimize button, or clean up those junk files.

System Optimizer

The System Optimizer button is your gateway to a thorough look at your Mac. Think of clicking it as being like grabbing all of the cleaning appliances, sprays and liquids to do your spring cleaning! Your first task is to run a Smart Scan. It’s analogous to a walk around your house to see what should be cleaned.

Smart Scan takes a while. It looks at each and every one of the files on your Mac, and there are a lot! Once completed, you’ll see a summary screen that looks like this:

Cleaner One Pro has completed a Smart Scan and now displays suggestions for cleaning your Mac
Cleaner One Pro has completed a Smart Scan and now displays suggestions for cleaning your Mac

As you can see, many of the suggestions for optimizing your Mac have “View Details” buttons next to them. Those buttons correspond to the items on the left side of the Cleaner One Pro interface. At any time, if you wish to get more information about what the app is suggesting, just click “View Details”.

Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro Cleans Up Junk Files

The first suggestion is to clean up junk files. To see what Cleaner One Pro is suggesting I delete, I click on that “View Details” button:

Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro suggests deleting Application and Mail Caches

In the screenshot above, I see that most of the files I can get rid of are Application and Mail caches. These are files that are created by apps during use and often left behind when work is done. Deleting these files is perfectly safe. In this case, I decided to get rid of all of the junk items:

  • Application Caches
  • Document Old Versions
  • System Logs
  • System Caches
  • Browser Caches
  • Unused Disk Images
  • Mail Caches

With a click on the Remove button, Cleaner One Pro jumped into action and immediately freed 9.16 GB of space:

In less than a minute, over 9 GB of storage space is recovered
In less than a minute, over 9 GB of storage space is recovered

Big Files

Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro also identifies large files that might be able to be removed to free up space. I looked at the “View Details” screen for Big Files and cleaned up another 13.6 GB of files! In the space of a few minutes almost 23 GB of storage has opened up.

Big files take up a lot of space, and are often not needed

Disk Map

Want to know what takes up the most space on your Mac? Disk Map is a fast way to see where your storage is disappearing to. With a click, Disk Map looks at user folders and visually displays how the files use your storage:

Disk Map visually displays how your storage is being utilized
Disk Map visually displays how your storage is being utilized

The almost 60,000 photos in my Photos library take up the majority of storage on my Mac! The Library folder holds system files for my account and should not be deleted, but it’s instructive to know that it uses a lot of space.

Ensure Speedy Startups with Trend Micro Cleaner One’s Startup Manager

Have you ever wondered what some of your Mac apps are doing during startup of your machine? Sometimes you’ll even encounter a problem with an app that keeps your Mac from starting up properly. That’s what Startup Manager, a part of Trend Micro Cleaner One pro, allows you to analyze.

Startup Manager is useful for troubleshooting startup or login problems
Startup Manager is useful for troubleshooting startup or login problems

Some of the startup items indicated with a yellow exclamation point icon cannot be disabled or removed as they’re part of the app,. Others can be shut down temporarily for troubleshooting or actually removed.

Duplicate Files

Have you ever checked for duplicate files on your Mac? Sometimes they are created by mistake and you end up with two identical files. They can also waste your valuable storage space, which is the reason Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro seeks them out for deletion.

Have duplicate files? Here's a way to seek out and destroy those space-wasters
Have duplicate files? Here’s a way to seek out and destroy those space-wasters

After running the app on my Mac, I was surprised to find multiple copies of some video files I had created with my drones. Cleaner One Pro identified those files and I chose to delete the older copies of each one. Another 3.4 GB of space now available for more important things!

Similar Photos Are No Match For Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro

You may be surprised to look through your Photos Library sometimes and find what appear to be duplicated photos. Now, most photographers love to take multiple shots of a subject, often to get the best possible image. But do you really need to keep all of those photos?

Smart Scan identifies photos taken on the same date that appear to be the same:

Multiple similar images — especially in RAW format — take up a lot of room

Sure, Old Faithful geyser at Yellowstone National Park is spectacular, but do I really need 8 photos that are all virtually the same? Cleaner One Pro makes it easy to see what photos have multiple duplicates so they can be removed. Perhaps you won’t remove all of the duplicates, but at least you can avoid photo overkill.

App Manager

Cleaner One Pro’s App Manager is another powerful tool. Did you know that deleting an app by dragging it to the trashcan may not delete all of the app’s supporting files? Use App Manager to delete apps, and you’ll find that every file associated with an app is deleted.

App Manager also works behind the scenes. I was surprised the other day when I dragged an app to the trashcan for deletion and I received a notification from Cleaner One Pro stating that it was going to clean up a number of supporting files as well. App Manager cleared up 136 MB of files that the Finder would not have removed!

File Shredder

Trend Micro is big in the tech security and privacy space, so it’s not surprising that one of the features of Cleaner One Pro is File Shredder. This part of the app erases files and makes them unrecoverable by any means by applying a secure erase setting.

If your Mac is lost or stolen and someone tries to recover a file you deleted with File Shredder, they’re out of luck. The file cannot be recovered no matter how hard they try!

There’s More to Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro

Once you’ve used Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro for a while, you’ll find that you’ve become accustomed to the features it provides. Want more of the goodness? Trend Micro offers two additional services for free: Adblock One, which blocks popups and annoying ads on websites, and Unarchiver One, an app that is the most popular file decompression tool on the App Store.

While you’re at it, you might want to check out two other powerful Trend Micro utilities: Antivirus One and VPN Proxy One. You can download either app to give ’em a try for free before you buy. All of the apps are accessible from the More Tools button in Cleaner One Pro.

Steve Sande
the authorSteve Sande
Steve is the founder and former publisher of Apple World Today and has authored a number of books about Apple products. He's an avid photographer, an FAA-licensed drone pilot, and a really bad guitarist. Steve and his wife Barb love to travel everywhere!