Focus on your meeting. CaptionSaver Pro ($24.99) takes care of your notes. It’s a Chrome extension that automatically saves Google Meet live captions to Google Docs. Pro comes with features such as highlighting and timestamps to enhance the automated note-taking capabilities, so you can focus your attention on your meetings. Never miss a word again!
Featured on Product Hunt with 213 upvotes
How CaptionSaver Pro Works
- Join any meeting as you normally would
- CaptionSaver will turn on captions for you once you join the meeting, so you don’t have to click anything
- CaptionSaver will save the caption transcript as your meeting goes on
- Click the Chrome extension to view the captured captions
- Click on “Save To Drive” or “Download .TXT” to get a copy of the entire meeting’s captions
- If you’re on Pro, you can Auto-Save to Google Drive!

CaptionSaver Pro
- Unlimited Auto Saves to Google Drive
- Highlighting
- Timestamps
- Download .TXT
Product Hunt lauded CaptionSaver Pro as being one of the most innovative time-saving Chrome extensions ever. By leveraging the power of Google Meet Live Captions and capturing the text that’s generated, users can focus on the content of a meeting and not on taking notes.
All caption captures are timestamped, so you know exactly at what date and time a note was capture. Get it today!