Monday, March 24, 2025

Intellifluence: Bringing Brands and Influencers Together

Spend any amount of time online, and you’ll see reviews of products by people known as influencers. The Mac Dictionary app defines an influencer as “a person with the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending the items on social media.”Iinfluencers can add serious credibility to your brand.

The italicized statement at the end of the paragraph is part of the definition, and it is why we’re telling Apple World Today readers about Intellifluence. Intellifluence brings both sides of the influence marketing equation together for mutual benefit and success. 


On one side, you have brands. Apple is a well-known and trusted brand, as are hundreds of thousands of other companies seeking to sell a product or service online. Brands also include media channels, with examples being Disney+ (streaming video and movies) and Smithsonian (online magazine and streaming channel). Even Intellifluence is a brand!

Brands can also be people — think of Michael Jordan or your favorite musicians. They want you to consider products they’re associated with, or enjoy the fruits of their talent. 

Brands are always looking for ways to gain the trust, admiration and purchasing power of potential buyers, and influence marketing is booming as a method of doing precisely that.


Over on the other side of the marketing equation are influencers, people whose personality, expertise, or fame can influence potential buyers by recommending those items on social media and other online forums.

Looking for an example of an influencer? The bloggers here at Apple World Today are trusted by millions of readers worldwide for their expertise in Apple products, services, and accessories, and many read the articles website specifically to hear about items that we have tried and found to be useful. 

YouTube is full of influencer channels that tell inform you about nearly every product or service made. Interested in camping? There are videos on tent and RV camping, places to visit, products that can make your experience more comfortable or memorable. A fan of mountain biking? Riders talk about their favorite equipment, techniques, and places to ride. 

Just about any interest has its influencers, those experts who are trusted to give others the straight scoop on what products are worth your attention.

Intellifluence: Putting Them Together

Intellifluence brings both sides together online in a way that makes it easy for brands to develop influencer campaigns, find the right influencers, fund the campaign, and then see the results.

For brand marketers, this simple three-part self-guided demo takes you from start to finish. Once you’ve seen how quickly you can create a campaign and make your pitch to influencers who want to help sell your goods and services, you pay a monthly ($99 to $599 depending on your needs) or annual ($950 to $5,750) fee to start working with top influencers.

Are you an influencer with a loyal following? Intellifluence lets you sign up for free do you can begin getting cash or product for passing along your honest opinions. 

View this Intellifluence YouTube playlist, and you can find out just how to register as an influencer, create a profile that can be searched by relevant brands, get compensation, and share your opinion . You can also view videos by top influencers on the Intellifluence network talking about their passions and why they’ve been successful sharing their thoughts about products in different categories. 

What Are You Waiting For?

The current COVID-19 pandemic has truly brought influencer marketing to the forefront, as purchasers find it difficult to physically view a product before they buy. As a result, they’re spending more time seeking the opinions of influencers, and that’s where Intellifluence comes in.

For those who are looking for a new gig that is more home-oriented, being an influencer can bring you the products or money you need.

Intellifluence is eager for both brand marketers and influencers to join up today.

Steve Sande
the authorSteve Sande
Steve is the founder and former publisher of Apple World Today and has authored a number of books about Apple products. He's an avid photographer, an FAA-licensed drone pilot, and a really bad guitarist. Steve and his wife Barb love to travel everywhere!