Apple has published a human rights policy document in which the tech giant says that, as a global technology company, we feel a deep sense of responsibility to make technology for people that respects their human rights, empowers them with useful tools and information, and enhances their overall quality of life.

Apple says it does this by:
° An “uncompromising commitment to security and user privacy”;
° A “commitment to freedom of information and expression”;
° Acting ” responsibly when it comes to the content on our platforms”;
° Making “quality products, including content and services, available to our users in a way that respects their human rights”;
° Creating “creating the most accessible products and services in the world”;
° Working “hand in hand with our suppliers to ensure that every workplace provides a safe and respectful environment for everyone”;
° Working to protect the planet as “an essential part of our impact on humanity.”
“We’re deeply committed to respecting internationally recognized human rights in our business operations, as set out in the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work,” Apple says. “Our approach is based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We conduct human rights due diligence to identify risks and work to mitigate them. We seek to remedy adverse impacts, track and measure our progress, and report our findings.”