On a regular basis, Apple World Today posts a list of notable new apps or app updates that have been released. They may not necessarily be new, but they’re popular and deserve mention. Here are this week’s picks.
Apso MB has debuted Logo Creator 1.0, a new logo design app for macOS.

It allows users to select a previously designed logo and customize it for their needs or create a new logo from scratch. The vector-based logos can be resized and used for almost any purpose.
Logo Creator 1.0 requires macOS 10.14 or later and is available at the Mac App Store in the Graphics and Design category. The app is free, with no in-app purchases or advertisements.
Isle of the Kakapo has released U Spammer..? 1.0.1 for macOS. It a free utility for quickly checking a list of email addresses for suspicious activity based on scoring provided by the stopforumspam.com API [application programming interface].

U Spammer…? requires macOS 10.12 or newer. It’s available at the Mac App Store in the Utilities section and does include optional in-app purchases to support future development.
TunesKit Studio has debuted Video Converter for both Mac and Windows users. It’s an app to convert, edit, rip videos, audios, and DVDs.
It incorporates all the basic and advanced features that users need, including converting videos, merging videos, editing videos, ripping DVDs, and more according to Henry Ramon, TunesKit product manager. It also provides broad media format support, customized presets for portable devices, the ability to convert or extract audios, etc.

On the Mac platform, it’s compatible with macOS 10.14 and higher. A demo version of Video Converter is available for download, but only convert the first one-third of the files. To unlock, users need to purchase the full version, which ranges from $39.95 for a personal license, $59.95 for 2-5 computers to $79.95 for unlimited use. All the packages are provided with free technical support and lifetime software.
Golden Frog has announced a new edition of its VPN software for Mac users. The new version of VyprVPN for Mac provides improved performance and a number of minor bug fixes.

According to the Golden Frogs, you can now enjoy exclusive VPN features to protect your online privacy and fight back against censorship. You can use the internet however you want, accessing the websites and online services you want without having to worry about local content restrictions.
VyprVPN for Mac is subscription based. It’s currently being offered for about $3 per month.
64BitApps has updated Image Cleaner, its app that allows users to remove the duplicate or similar images from their hard drive in order to free up space, to version 1.2.
Image Cleaner can scan a set of user selected folders or the Photos library for duplicate or similar image files. The user can adjust the similarity of the images that will be considered duplicates and the image formats which will be included in the scan.

Version 1.2 provides a new user interface with resizable windows, larger previews and support for Dark Mode in macOS Mojave and later. It also sports a more user-friendly and streamlined experience when removing duplicate images from the Photos library.
Image Cleaner is priced at US$4.99 (USD) and can be purchased from the Mac App Store and from 64BitApps online.
Class Ace has launched the Class Ace learning app, which features over 1,000 world-class step-by-step lessons designed to help kids reach math and English Common Core proficiency with minimal parent or teacher input. A Class Ace membership is required to unlock all the company’s apps.