On a regular basis, Apple World Today posts a list of notable new apps or app updates that have been released. They may not necessarily be new, but they’re popular and deserve mention. Here are this week’s picks.
iOS Apps/Updates
Adda Ventures has debuted Fototriever 1.0, a free photo organization and management app. It’s designed to make it easy to take, tag, find and retrieve photos from any iOS device by using the power of the human voice.

When users wish to find a photo or set of photos, they simply speak the name of the event into their iPhone or iPad. Fototriever qfinds and displays the shot.
Adducive has launched Lexiblox, a $3.99 3D word game. Players rotate letter blocks; each combination spells one and only one word. The game requires a strong vocabulary and a good memory since most of the letters are facing away from you.
macOS Apps/Updates
Bare Bones Software has released BBEdit 12.0.6, an update to its professional strength HTML and text editor. It’s a recommended update that includes refinements and fixes for specific reported issues.

The upgrade includes 88 discrete additions, changes and fixes addressing all manner of “quality of life” issues from improved performance to user interface refinements. In addition, BBEdit 12.6 introduces architectural changes for compatibility with macOS App Sandboxing, a set of security policies and practices from Apple. The App Sandboxing model endeavors to ensure privacy and data security for macOS users, and serves as a requirement for BBEdit’s participation in the Mac App Store.