I love my Apple AirPods. They’re comfortable, offer great sound quality, and pair with all of my devices easily. But there’s one problem; that little “Tic Tac box” charger case has a tendency to get lost. My cats have found that it makes a good toy to bat around, it hides in the bottom of my backpack or laptop bag, and all in all that little case acts as if it’s trying to play “Hide and Seek” with me. Twelve South’s AirSnap AirPod case ($29.99) is a perfect way to keep your AirPods from being lost.
The design of AirSnap is simple; it’s a well-made leather case that the AirPod charger fits into, with a gap in the bottom for charging and a snap closure to keep the charger from falling out. The real genius of the design is the small metal carabiner-type clip (spring-loaded) on top. Take that and snap it to a strap or onto a similar carabiner inside a backpack, and your AirPods will never get lost again. The carabiner swivels so the case doesn’t get tangled up.
As you’d expect from Twelve South, this is a very well-made product. Compared to a similar AirPod case from another manufacturer…well, there is no comparison. The construction of the leather case is top-notch, fitting the AirPods charger like a leather glove. The snap could be a cheap plastic one like I’ve seen on other leather products, but Twelve South uses a metal snap that will last a long time and closes with a satisfying “click”.

AirSnap comes in three different colors; dark teal, black, and tan. At $30 it may seem like a luxury item, but if AirSnap can keep you from losing your $160 AirPods and look better than white plastic in the process, it’s worth the price.