On a regular basis, Apple World Today posts a list of notable new apps or app updates that have been released. They may not necessarily be new, but they’re popular and deserve mention. Here are today’s picks.
MacOS Apps/Updates
Zevrix Solutions has announced LinkOptimizer 5.2.6, a maintenance update to company’s workflow automation solution for Adobe InDesign.

LinkOptimizer lets users automatically scale and crop linked images to their InDesign dimensions at specified target resolution, convert image formats and colors, apply sharpening, and more. Version addresses a Photoshop bug that prevents third party tools from opening images whose names contain URL encoded characters in Unicode percent escape format.
LinkOptimizer can be purchased from the Zevrix website for $259.95; there’s a “lite” version for $179.95. A demo is available for download. The update is free for LinkOptimizer 5.x users and $130 to upgrade from previous versions. LinkOptimizer requires macOS 10.7-10.13 and Adobe InDesign / Photoshop CS5-CC 2018.
iOS Apps/Updates
RealtyBaron announces the launch of Real Estate Answers. The free app allows consumers “to overcome the information gap and data quality problem created by popular real estate search apps like Zillow.”