I’ve narrowed the field to two finalists in my search for a replacement for the $10-a-month I currently pay to use Photoshop:
Finalist 1: Pixelmator Pro ($59.99).
Finalist 2: Affinity Photo ($49.99).

These two are finalists (Pixelmator Pro is pictured, above) because they look and feel the most familiar to me (as a lifelong Photoshop user), which makes it faster and easier for me to figure out how to do things I know how to do in Photoshop.
Other apps I considered included Graphic Converter, Acorn, and Phocus, none of which felt quite as “right” as the two finalists.
Since I haven’t been doing much image editing lately, if any of y’all are happy Pixelmator Pro or Affinity Photo users, please let me know which one you like and why. As always, you can reach me at bob@workingsmarterformacusers.com.
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