On a regular basis, Apple World Today posts a list of notable new apps or app updates that have been released. They may not necessarily be new, but they’re popular and deserve mention. Here are today’s picks.
macOS Apps/Updates
Tension Software has released Counter 1.1.1, an update to the counting app for macOS.

Using the utility you can solve any kind of situation where you have to computer enumerate a total number of elements (physical of abstract). You can add to the total a new unit simply pressing the + key on your Mac to count it. Counter will keep track of the counting as it progress and will add +1 to the total at any “+” key press. Version 1.1.1 offer bug fixes and some optimizations.
Counter 1.1.1 requires macOS 10.10 or higher. It costs $0.99 and is available at the Tension Software website and the Mac App Store.
iOS Apps/Updates
ABC Interactive has announced Squirreled World, which is available for free on the iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. It’s an open world style arcade game for ages four and up with math table exercise “built in” to the gameplay. Squirreled World is based on division and uses engaging gameplay to help build essential math table “memory muscle” in the brain as you play.

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