According to data from Counterpoint’s Channel Monitor service, the best-selling phone bought online in China in April was the iPhone 8 Plus, with the iPhone X in third place, and the iPhone 8 in fourth. Apple now has 16% of the country’s mobile commerce market share.

The tech giant led the market by sales volume in April, thanks to a greater than 7% discount of iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus in ecommerce channels. According to the research group, when Apple launches new iPhones, the company’s online store sees a strong uptick in activity from customers.
Counterpoint reports that China became the world’s largest mobile e-commerce market in 2017, with more than 120 million mobile phones shipped to customers through e-commerce channels during the year. In China, e-commerce channels account for nearly 30% of the mobile phone market. In big cities like Beijing, where e-commerce is highly developed, this number is more than 50% and continues to grow, according to the research group.
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