On a regular basis, Apple World Today posts a list of notable new apps or app updates that have been released. They may not necessarily be new, but they’re popular and deserve mention. Here are today’s picks.
macOS Apps/Updates
Johansson Design has announced a collection of Screen Savers for the Mac. The collection offers 15 assorted screen saving animations.

Designs include clocks, color bars, stickers, sport logos, emoji, and many more. This collection “brings back a long-neglected piece of the Mac experience to modern users,” says designer Bjorn Johansson.
Screen Savers requires macOS 10.9 or higher. They’re free and available at the Johansson Design website.
AKVIS has updated ArtSuite, software for applying decoration effects to digital photos, to version 14.
The upgrade offers a number of effect enhancements: a new 3D tab in the Classic frame, combination of the Passe-Partout and the Classic frame, new Edge Color option in the Ragged frame, new Posterizing option in the Halftone effect, and other changes. There are two effect groups in ArtSuit: Frames ranging from classic frames to modern funky edge decors; and Effects, which provide a variety of photo transformation options. Each effect/frame is fully customizable.

On the Mac platform, ArtSuite require macOS 10.7 or higher. It’s available as a standalone application and as a plugin filter for AliveColors, Adobe Photoshop and other image editors.
AKVIS ArtSuite, Home license, costs $39. One license key allows activating and using the software on two computers. Version 14 is free for users who bought ArtSuite in the last 12 months. Users, whose license is older, can upgrade for $14.95.
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