Foxconn Technology Group, one of Apple’s largest manufacturing partners, is considering producing small to medium-size displays for Apple, carmakers and others to lower initial costs at its $10 billion factory in the U.S. state of Wisconsin, reports the Nikkei Asian Review.
It’s unknown if Apple will have any part in the production at the Foxconn plant, which was announced last July. For example, several reports previously claimed that the plant would be used to create large-format TV displays, something that Apple doesn’t currently sell nor have any plans to market.

Eric Chiou, an analyst at market research group WitsView, told the Nikkei Asian Review that he understood that Foxconn was “very likely to turn to small-to-medium display manufacturing for their Wisconsin project.”
“It’s a reasonable turn. And it could lower the initial cost substantially and generate returns faster,” he added.
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