Birmingham (Alabama) City Schools students will get the chance to learn to code this summer at one of four, one-week camps teaching Apple’s “Everyone Can Code” curriculum, reports the Alabama Media Group.
Everyone Can Code is a program designed by Apple to help everyone learn how to code using a Swift curriculum. The program includes a range of free resources, from helping students explore basic coding concepts to building fully functional apps. Swift is Apple’s programming language that gives developers the freedom and capabilities they need to create the next generation of software.

The Everyone Can Code camps are being offered at Lawson State Community College this summer thanks to a partnership with the city of Birmingham. In the camps, middle and high school students will start by learning basic coding concepts, and before they leave they will know how to build fully functioning apps.
The free camps will be held for high school students on June 18-21 and July 9-12. Camps for middle school students will be held June 25-28 and July 16-19. The camps will take place from 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. with lunch and transportation included for all attendees. For more information or to register, click here.
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