On a regular basis, Apple World Today posts a list of notable new apps or app updates that have been released. They may not necessarily be new, but they’re popular and deserve mention. Here are today’s picks.
iOS Apps/Updates
Appgeneration has introduced myAlarm Clock, a free, customizable alarm clock. You can set it to wake you up to your favorite radio stations, podcasts, music, recorded sounds, ringtones, relaxing sounds, or to the talking clock that informs you about the time, weather, the news and more.

macOS Apps/Updates
DEVONtechnologies has released DEVONsphere Express 1.9.1, an update to its free desktop search assistant for macOS. It runs as a menulet and indexes documents and other data in the background.
DEVONsphere Express focuses automatically on what the user is working on and finds related documents, email messages, web pages, and more. Version 1.9.1 offers performance-related enhancements, AFPS support, and works better with ePub books and searches PDF annotations and forms.

DEVONsphere Express 1.9.1 is available for $9.95 from DEVONtechnologie’s online shop or $9.99 in the Mac App Store. It can also be purchased bundled with DEVONthink Personal and DEVONagent Pro.