On a regular basis, Apple World Today posts a list of notable new apps or app updates that have been released. They may not necessarily be new, but they’re popular and deserve mention. Here are today’s picks.
iOS Apps/Updates
ChronoBlade is a new action game from nWay. In the side-scrolling brawler, players can link up and engage in ChronoBlade’s seamless Player vs. Player (PvP) combat mode from nWay, built with the company’s networking knowledge obtained from Power Rangers: Legacy Wars. Every match’s intensity is amplified by the game’s customizable equipment system and varied move lists that transform each of the four playable characters to anyone’s play style. ChronoBlade is free, but does tout in-app purchases.

Also, the Melody Composer Squared team has announced that their music editor for iPhone and iPad devices, will be available as a free download until March 7. It uses a unique Diagram for transposition of musical notes on a two-dimensional plane. Melody CS is a tool “for any musician who wants to better understand music at the same level as the famous composers.”