On a regular basis, Apple World Today posts a list of notable new apps or app updates that have been released. They may not necessarily be new, but they’re popular and deserve mention. Here are today’s picks.
macOS Apps/Updates
Zevrix Solutions has announced Output Factory Server 2.0.13, a maintenance update to the company’s output workflow automation solution for Adobe InDesign.
Output Factory automates printing and exporting from InDesign by processing files from hot folders. The app can serve unlimited users and offers single page export, layer versioning, preflighting and more. The new version lets users edit workflow settings during processing without having to restart hot folder watching for the changes to take effect.

Output Factory Server can be purchased from the Zevrix website for $699.95. A demo is available for download. The upgrade to version 2 is $350 for licensed users of Output Factory Server 1.x and BatchOutput Server. Output Factory Server requires macOS 10.7-10.13 and Adobe InDesign CS5-CC 2018.
iMobie has released PhoneRescue 3.6.0, a maintenance update to their data recovery software for macOS and Windows.
Developed exclusively for iPhone and Android users suffering from data loss, it’s a tool that can retrieve lost messages and other important data directly from iPhone and Android phones, even without a backup. The app allows users to preview the deleted data and select those that really matter to recover.
A single user license for PhoneRescue is $49.99 and a family license is $69.99. You can purchase a license at the iMobie online store.