By Jeff Graber
It always seems that disaster will strike at the most inopportune time. Ask anyone who has lost an important paper before submission, and they will tell you a tale of loss and woe. The truth is, that no matter how good our technology gets, there’s always room for something to go wrong. This is because technology is inherently complicated, and data acquisition, storage, and retrieval isn’t perfect.
If you are coping with data loss, then don’t lose hope. There are options out there that you can take advantage of. Below is a brief guide that will help you through the steps you need to take to understand the problem, create a plan, and find a solution to retrieving your data.

The Toll
One reason why losing your data is so terrible is that it’s an emotionally draining realization. Many people lose cherished photographs, papers, and other wonderful reminders of their past. In addition, stored music, movies, and files represent significant time investments on our part. In addition, to add to the emotionally draining nature of data recovery, there is also the cost of recovering that data. The best thing you can do is to take a moment and create a plan.
The Plan
There are many companies out there that will be able to help you with data recovery. Who you inevitably choose to help with your data recovery will depend on the kind of computer you have, the format the data is in, and the expertise of those helping you. The one thing you should make sure when shopping around is that any company you choose should set a realistic expectation regarding the outcome. This should be given before they provide recovery service. In addition, the best recovery experts can do this since they’ve been providing recovery services for many years. Just like your favorite car mechanic, their experience will help them give you a solid estimate.
The Solution
One last thing to consider before settling on a back-up company is the plan. The best data recovery companies will use a clean room, and they will advise you on all backup plans available to you. They will understand how the data loss occurred; the recovery plans available to your technology, and the best chance of getting your information back.
Don’t lose hope; just take it one step at a time.