On a regular basis, Apple World Today posts a list of notable new apps or app updates that have been released. They may not necessarily be new, but they’re popular and deserve mention. Here are today’s picks.
macOS Apps/Updates
Wine Reviews has released Putty for Mac 8.7.0, an update of its terminal emulator for macOS.
Putty supports different types of network protocols such as SSH, FTP, SCP, Telnet and more. Version 8.7.0 now supports macOS 10.13.1 High Sierra, compiled against the latest stable GTK version 3.22.20, updates the documentation, and minor bug fixes.

Putty for Mac 8.7.0 requires macOS 10.9.5 or higher. It costs $15. Anyone who has purchased Putty in the past three months is entitled to a free upgrade to version 8.7.0.
Zevrix Solutions has announced Output Factory 2.2.2, a maintenance update to company’s output automation solution for Adobe InDesign.
Output Factory automates printing, exporting and preflighting from InDesign and offers batch processing, export as single pages, layer versioning, preflighting and more. The new version addressed a macOS security bug that invoked app translocation for no reason, which prevented Output Factory from recognizing the version of InDesign the plug-in was installed with.
Output Factory can be purchased from the Zevrix website for $169.95 (there’s a “lite” version for $119.95). A demo is available for download. The update is free for the users of Output Factory 2.x, and $84.97 to upgrade from BatchOutput and Output Factory 1.x. Output Factory requires macOS 10.7-10.13 and Adobe InDesign CS3-CC 2018.