Life insurance companies understand just how important activity is to the health and wellbeing of their customers, and for customers of one company, it can really pay off in the form of an Apple Watch Series 3 for $25. John Hancock’s Vitality program, which provides rewards to members who stay active, is now offering the GPS-only version of the latest Apple Watch for an initial payment $25 plus tax.
Now there IS a catch: if you don’t want to pay any more money out of pocket for the watch, you have to “pay it off” by completing exercises like walking, running, biking, swimming and so on. Members must earn 500 Vitality Points per month over two years, and then they will own the watch outright.
The Vitality rewards program is available with specific John Hancock life insurance policies in the United States, and the Apple Watch Series 3 program starts on November 6 everywhere but New York.