It makes no difference if you have just one email address or many, and whether you’re a business executive or a retiree — email can quickly get out of hand. This week’s Apple World Today sponsor, SaneBox, is in the business of helping people take control of email overload and then maintaining order. With this week’s sponsorship, you can take advantage of an exclusive $25 credit for AWT readers by simply signing up through this link.
Think of SaneBox as an assistant who knows the way you work and what’s important to you. Unimportant emails are moved into a new folder where they’re summarized in a succinct digest for quick bulk processing. After a short training period, SaneBox knows what’s important and what can wait. Average SaneBox customers save 12 hours or more per month processing their email.

There’s nothing to install or download, and your email app of choice looks just the same. The SaneBox folders appear on your Mac, iPhone and iPad after the initial processing, with absolutely no work on your part other than clicking one button to start everything off. SaneBox works with any email account except for those pesky POP accounts you should have deleted years ago.
Set up any email account(s) to be processed by SaneBox and the service does an initial intelligent sort of your inbox. Once it’s complete, you see a new SaneLater folder that contains emails that deems unimportant. Train SaneBox by moving those that are actually important to you and your business back to the inbox, and it learns how you work.
Your SaneDigest gives you the opportunity to train SaneBox, trash emails that aren’t important, or archive them for future reference. The SaneNews folder takes newsletters and emails from mailing lists and groups them together for easy reading or processing, while SaneBulk captures receipts and emails that don’t need a reply.
Have you ever ended up on a mailing list that you didn’t want to be on and found that it’s impossible to get off of? SaneBlackHole moves those annoying emails into your trash automatically.
SaneNoReplies is a brilliant way to find out who needed to reply to you, but hasn’t. SaneNotSpam rescues those items that shouldn’t have been captured by your spam filter, but somehow were.
There are even more time-saving features in SaneBox, like SaneReminders, SaneCC and SaneTomorrow. If there’s not a SaneBox feature that fits your exact needs, create your own custom folders.
55,950 emails before my @sanebox makeover! See for yourself how awesome my inbox is now >>>
— Christina Sheer (@ChristinaSheer) November 22, 2016
The end result of using SaneBox is truly bringing sanity to inbox craziness. But you don’t have to believe us — “higher authorities” at TechCrunch, Forbes, and The New York Times have raved about SaneBox as well. Companies like Adidas, Coca-Cola, eBay and Groupon are making their employees more productive with corporate SaneBox accounts.
SaneBox is completely risk-free; if you cancel your account at any time, your email returns to the way it was. Think about how much your time is worth, and think just how much you could benefit from streamlining your inbox workflow to the tune of 12 or more hours per month. Then click this link and take advantage of our exclusive $25 credit for new SaneBox users.
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