Phil Schiller, Apple’s vice president of Worldwide Marketing, and his wife, Kim Gassett-Schiller, have donated $10 million to Bowdoin College in Maine —a school their sons Erik and Mark attended, the latter graduating this year, reports AppleInsider.

The money will be used to build a “dry” lab connecting to an existing marine lab for Bowdoin’s coastal studies center, as well as a “convening” center with housing, classrooms, and dining facilities. In exchange, the coastal studies center is being renamed to the Schiller Coastal Studies Center.
Founded in 1794, Bowdoin is a private liberal arts college located in Brunswick. It has 1,805 students and a full-time equivalent of 189 faculty. Bowdoin offers 33 majors and four additional minors, and offers joint engineering programs with Columbia University, Dartmouth College, and Caltech.