Monday, March 3, 2025
Archived Post

AWT TV Episode 21: The September 12, 2017 Apple Event

Talk about good timing! We decided to switch our AWT TV livestream to Tuesday nights a while back, and sure enough that just happened to coincide with the September 12 Apple Event. Marty Edwards, who is recovering from pneumonia, and Steve Sande got together on Tuesday night for an hour-long discussion of the announcements from Cupertino, what they mean, and what we’d buy!

If you enjoy this video, be sure to join us on Tuesday nights at 6:30 PM PT / 9:30 PM ET for our livestream. And if you haven’t yet subscribed to our Apple World Today YouTube channel, be sure to do so as soon as you can. 

Steve Sande
the authorSteve Sande
Steve is the founder and former publisher of Apple World Today and has authored a number of books about Apple products. He's an avid photographer, an FAA-licensed drone pilot, and a really bad guitarist. Steve and his wife Barb love to travel everywhere!