On a regular basis, Apple World Today posts a list of notable new apps or app updates that have been released. They may not necessarily be new, but they’re popular and deserve mention. Here are today’s picks.
iOS Apps/Updates
Lozange Lab has introduced Swim Out 1.0. It’s a $1.99, strategic, turn-based puzzle game that will “transport” you to a sunny day by the swimming pool, the river or the sea, in a relaxing and refreshing atmosphere. It offers seven chapters combining 12 different types of swimmers and features over 100 levels.

macOS Apps/Updates
Maintain has served up Cocktail 10.4.2 (Sierra Edition), a new edition of Cocktail for users running macOS Sierra.
It’s a general purpose utility for macOS that lets users clean, repair and optimize their Macs. The new version adds ability to perform essential system maintenance with a click of a button, without any need to configure even a single option. It also fixes compatibility issues with upcoming Cocktail (High Sierra Edition) and contains a number of bug fixes.
Cocktail costs $19 for a single user license and available for purchase from the Maintain website. When unregistered, Cocktail runs in demo mode and will expire after the tenth launch.