Three Apple developers are now listed on the WebVR Community Group’s participants webpage, UploadVR reports — as noted by AppleInsider.
Brandel Zachernuk, David Singer and Dean Jackson have joined web developers representing Internet services and like Google’s Chrome, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, and Mozilla’s Firefox. Developers from Intel, Facebook, Samsung and other top technology companies are also part of the working group.
WebVR is an open standard that makes it possible to experience VR in your browser. The goal is to make it easier for everyone to get into VR experiences, no matter what device you have.

At June’s Worldwide Developer Conference keynote, Apple introduced a new platform for developers to help them bring high-quality AR experiences to iPhone and iPad using the built-in camera, processors and motion sensors in iOS devices. ARKit allows developers to tap into the latest computer vision technologies to build detailed virtual content on top of real-world scenes for interactive gaming, immersive shopping experiences, industrial design and more.