Amidst persistent stories about Apple developing an augmented reality headset of some sort and recent moves to shore up the company’s standing with creative professionals, the company has recently hired a developer well-known for writing Final Cut Pro plug-ins. Tim Dashwood, best known for his 360VR Toolbox plugin, has joined Apple as reported by
The 360VR Toolbox assisted creatives in making 3D videos, and sold for almost $1,000. The good news for creatives is that they’re now able to download the app and other software from Dashwood’s company for free; the bad news is that continued development of 360VR Toolbox will most likely cease.
However, having a developer of Dashwood’s stature within a company that is focusing on the AR/VR markets can only be a positive move for the creative community as a whole. Dashwood may have been hired to work on Apple-branded VR plugins or features for Final Cut Pro, so his expertise may be of benefit to Final Cut Pro and Motion, as well as other AR/VR apps that may be in the Apple product pipeline.