On a regular basis, Apple World Today posts a list of notable new apps or app updates that have been released. They may not necessarily be new, but they’re popular and deserve mention. Here are today’s picks.
iOS Apps/Updates
Kuyi Mobile has introduced Pocket Arcade 1.0.2. The free game brings the physical arcade experience to your fingertips with four mini-games to test players’ arcade skills and prowess.

Endless Arcade has served up Pizza Milk 1.0. In the free game, players tap the screen when they want to dunk their pizza and “hope it hits milky heaven for the perfect pizza-milk union.”
macOS Apps/Updates
Readdle has updated its PDF Expert app for macOS to version 2.2. The upgrade sports a redesigned user interface, better search features, and more.

PDF Expert lets you read, annotate and edit PDFs, change text and images, fill forms, and sign contracts. A demo is avaiable for download. Registration is $59.99
Econ Technologies has released ChronoSync 4.7.4 for macOS. It’s a sync, backup, and bootable back-up app.
ChronoSync can back up and sync to anything you can connect to a Mac: external drives, thumb drives, NAS drives, remote Macs, PC’s and cloud services. Version 4.7.4 offers performance and efficiency improvements, including fixes for a handful of bugs.
ChronoSync works with macOS 10.8 and higher. A demo is available for download; registration is $49.99.