Studies conducted by BuzzFeed and many other outlets say that smartphone and tablet screens are dirtier than most toilet seats. Yikes! As my three-old-nice Adalyn might say: “Dat’s nasty.”
Your phone “touches” everything your hands touch. You wash your hands (don’t you?), so why not “wash” your iPhone and iPad? WHOOSH! Screen Shine is a solution — combining a non-toxic (no ammonia or alcohol) liquid and an antimicrobial cloth — that not only rids your phone or tablet screen of bacteria, smudges and dirt, but also leaves behind a nano-film that repels dust and fingerprints. Pricing starts at $15 for a “starter kit.”

Using a wet paper towel or Windex are the methods most folks use to clean their iPhone or iPad screens. However, water doesn’t get rid of germs and some leading cleaners can damage your screen. I apply WHOOSH! Screen Shine to my iPhone, iPad, iMac, and MacBook every couple of days and it keeps ‘em surprisingly clean and smudge free.
Before you go crazy with the Screen Shine, there’s a legal disclaimer that “Whoosh! cannot be held responsible for damage on MacBooks with anti-reflective screens that contain manufacture defects.”