ChargeTech has launched its PLUG battery pack, which sports 48,000m Ah battery capacity and 250 watts of power.

“This means users can choose to charge laptops up to three times, tablets up to seven times, smartphones up to 28 times, TVs up to four hours, drones up to three times, DSLR cameras up to 30 times, mini-fridges up to eight hours, hoverboards up to two times, and more,” says Jeffrey Maganis, CEO of ChargeTech. “ The variety of devices that PLUG can power up include all laptops, iPhones and other mobile devices, iPads, CPAP machines, medical devices, desktop computers, printers, flat screen TVs, PS4, Xbox ONE, Wii U, video gaming consoles, mini fridges, cameras, drones, hoverboards, and more.”
PLUG has international worldwide compatible outlets with power outputs of 120V to 240V. Its pass-through capabilities allow both the the charger and other devices to charge simultaneously. PLUG Has an USB-C charging port that works with the 12-inch MacBook and an optional 40 watt solar panel that recharge the device within eight hours.
PLUG is now available on IndieGoGo and is offered at a limited time pricing of $199. That’s 40% off the manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $329.