One thing that is always a lot of fun just after the release of a new operating system version is when you find features that you either didn’t know about or had completely forgotten about. That happened to me today when I received a phone call from an unknown number and promptly ignored it (my usual practice). The caller left a voicemail message, and when I went to listen to it on my iPhone I found that it had been transcribed into text (see image at right).
As you can see, the transcription is far from perfect; for example, the “put it on a company that is Lisa” was actually “put it on a company Visa”, and the entire thing seems to be one big run-on sentence. My Comcast landline does transcriptions, and at this point it’s equally as silly sometimes. But at least Apple has the courtesy to show that a) It’s a “transcription beta” and b) ask for feedback so they can improve the transcription accuracy.
Tap on “useful” or “not useful” at the bottom of the transcription, and you’re offered a chance to send that voicemail to Apple for analysis so the company can make transcription even more useful in the future.