It’s the first day of Autumn, and it’s also the last AWT News Update of the week — be sure to join us again on Monday afternoon. Steve had to do this podcast unscripted, so we have just a few Apple-related stories today:
- A 19-year-old hacker claims to have jailbroken an iPhone 7 in less than 24 hours; we’re wondering if he’ll release the jailbreak to the public or get a bounty from Apple for revealing the vulnerability he used;
- ABC News is added to Live Tune-in on the 4th-generation Apple TV;
- Apple opens another Apple retail outlet, this one is the sixth in Hong Kong
Sadly for you, there’s no text version of the podcast today so you’re going to have to listen to it!

Japan’s Fair Trade Commission said that NTT Docomo, KDDI Corp and Softbank were refusing to sell older surplus iPhone models to third party retailers due to supply agreements, thereby hobbling smaller competitors. This is the latest ding against Apple in Japan.
Last week Reuters reported that Apple’s iTunes unit in Japan was ordered to pay some 12 billion yen (about $118 million) in tax by local authorities after underreporting income. The Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau determined that the unit, which sends part of its profits earned from fees paid by Japan subscribers to another Apple unit in Ireland to pay for software licensing, hadn’t been paying a withholding tax on those earnings in Japan.