Russia’s Federal Anti-Monopoly Service has opened a case into price-fixing allegations concerning iPhones.
“The Anti-Monopoly Service sees signs of price fixing violations in the Russian Federation at Apple iPhone resellers, which resulted in the same prices for these smartphones,” the service told Reuters.

The anti-monopoly body said it had opened its case after an appeal from a citizen with information that identical prices had been set for iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus models, which appeared in Russia in October 2015, at 16 major resellers.
An Federal Anti-Monopoly Service added that an investigation had showed that resellers had set identical prices and kept them at that level for a certain time period, including for other models.
In July it was announced that Apple plans to provide a full repair service in Russia for all iPhone damages as the result of a lawsuit filed by a dissatisfied customer, according to The Moscow Times.
The Cupertino, California-based company is considering building a centralized repair center dedicated to full-service production, the article adds, quoting “an unidentified source close to the company.” The decision came after a lawsuit was filed against Apple by a Russian iPhone owner named Dmitry Petrov last month.
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