On a regular basis, Apple World Today posts a list of notable new apps or app updates that have been released. They may not necessarily be new, but they’re popular and deserve mention. Here are today’s picks.
Mac OS X Apps/Updates
VeprIT has announced Photo Sense 2 for Mac, a new generation of the batch photo enhancement tool.

The automatic-first approach enables users to choose their preferred workflow complexity, from completely automatic to manual, and thus appeals both to novice and more advanced photographers. Version 2 offers more efficient batch adjustment tools, image settings synchronization, custom presets, and new customization tools.
Photo Sense 2.0.0 is free (but does tout in-app purchases) on the Mac App Store. A demo that adds a watermark to exported images) is available on the product website.
iOS Apps/Updates
Conceptis has introduced Conceptis Sym-a-Pix 1.0. It’s a free symmetry puzzle game that lets you reveal hidden pixel-art pictures by pure logic deduction.